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Children love to play and sometimes accidents may happen that result in them biting or cutting their tongue, lip or cheek. If these injuries bleed, use sterile gauze or a clean cloth to apply firm, but gentle, pressure to the wound. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after 15 minutes of pressure, you should travel to the nearest emergency room. You can also apply ice to any areas of the face or mouth that bruise.

If your child complains of a toothache, our doctors recommend relieving the pain with acetaminophen, NOT aspirin. It’s also important to keep the area around the painful tooth clean by rinsing with warm salt water. If the face starts to swell, you can use a cold compress to relieve the swelling. Please contact our office for an appointment as quickly as possible.

Knocking out a permanent tooth is serious for your child and quick reaction and timing is critical. Make sure you retrieve the tooth, and only hold it by the crown or top and not the root end. You should rinse off the tooth but don’t try to clean it and don’t handle it more than necessary. Next, reinsert the tooth in the socket and hold it in place using a clean piece of gauze or cloth. If reinserting the tooth isn’t possible, put it in a cup of milk or water and see us immediately for an appointment.